The charge loop current (cLC) state has attracted increasing attention in kagome metals. Here, we calculate the currents along the nearest sites i and j, Ji,j, induced by the cLC order that is the imaginary and odd-parity hopping integral modulation δti,j. We reveal that the magnitude of Ji,j strongly depends on the nearest sites i and j in the 2 × 2 cLC state, where η ≡ |δti,j| is equivalent for all nearest sites. The obtained Ji,j becomes large near the van-Hove singularity (vHS) filling (n ∼ nvHS) even when η is fixed. Interestingly, the obtained Ji,j exhibits the logarithmic divergence behavior at low temperatures for n ∼ nvHS with a fixed η, by reflecting the vHS points that are the characteristic of kagome metals. The present study provides useful information for local electronic state measurements, such as the site-selective NMR and STM experiments.
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